Friday, January 14, 2011

Case #21 - Radiant

There is a user by the name of Radiant who is copy+pasting random parts of photos she finds on Google.
She not only admits to doing it but thinks that it's A-OK!

Here's a screenshot of her current thread in GASR.

See it for yourself
These are the samples of her work!
See it for yourself!
We thought we had the right picture that she pasted on so of course she was PM'd and urged to remove the pictures that she copied+pasted lips that were NOT free to use stock.

Click to see full-sized picture
This was her response. 

She doesn't seem to get that whether I had the right picture or not STEALING is still STEALING.

If she likes I can find the original pictures on Google. It's not that much of a bother considering she searched "lips" and took the results on the first page! This only further shows how much time and effort it takes in creating her work.

First we have this one.

By searching "bitting lip" I found the photo she copied+pasted on!
Click for full-sized picture
Then there's this one.

By searching simply "lips" I found the photo (she mirrored the lips though!)
Click to see full-sized image
This is probably true for all of the rest of her pictures.
But I'm too lazy to look and post them. However, she admitted it and that in itself is the best proof!

Nor does she care apparently.
Good luck with business Radiant. 


  1. I found MORE lips she stole... The pink ones to the right of the orangey-red lips in your last picture.

  2. PLUS this one's different, she's violating COPYRIGHTS. Someone needs to do something about this one...

  3. She ironically wanted her thread locked after someone pointed out most of those lips were copyrighted.

  4. Seriously though what a waste to make an entirely new thread when her old one was just fine. Does she think that if she makes a new one nobody will call her out?

  5. Apparently, yes. Remember, she can't be too smart if she's stealing obviously copyrighted images and thinking it's okay... lol

  6. another GASR THIEF heres the link to her thread->

  7. I saw this girl selling shit and wondered who in the fuck would buy these hideous creatures from the deep...
