Thursday, July 29, 2010

Case #10 - Yesup

Yesup is probably the person who can be easily said to have stolen the most art in GASR.

A lot of our previous proof was destroyed in the fire (group got deleted) but this is what we managed to save from the flames.

And Yessup deleted MOST of her stolen crap from her photobucket!!!!1
/sad face

Anyways let's start at the begging..
This is the picture that first caught our interest with Yesup.

The picture that started it all.

There was quite a collection of pictures that looked like the above all being claimed to be drawn by her.

To our confusion when we looked further into Yesup's photobucket we found pictures that looked like this..

Yesup is great at tracing drawing.

Talk about weirdly inconsistent. But interest in her eventually died down since nobody could find the originals.

Then one day we found some pretty odd looking display pictures made by Yesup. To nobodies shock she wasn't just stealing drawings she was stealing bits and pieces from other enhancements and slapping them in her own pictures.

Smart as Yesup is she deleted them all of her photobucket and unfortunately NOBODY thought to save the lulz.
This is the only picture that still remains.

Someone put marking on the DP to help her better position the face. Sadly the original was deleted.
But you can EASILY see how obviously copyied + pasted parts of the face are.
She doesn't even know how to position them correctly.

- - - - - - -

Now we move on to more troubling things.

Apr 02, 2010 - Yesup enters iSungmin's request

April 14, 2010 - Yesup gets bored and decides to doodle over the forums.
Wow.. picture speaks for itself.

Well this looks nothing like the things she draws usually even if it is just a doodle...
Looks like a 10 year old drew it...

April 20, 2010- Yesup makes a shop this is what her enhancements look like.
This is how Yesup enhances without stealing parts from other people.

You would think with her drawing skill she'd be better at making enhancements? Not to be rude or anything...

May 22, 2010 - Yesup enters Withered's request.
This is a "collab" she claims to have done in real life that took her 4 weeks.
(Please note that when she posted the request hadn't even been open for four weeks olol)

The before:

The after: 

First off it doesn't even look like the "reference". Like were did that necklace even come from? Secondly this is a drawing by an artist named Mary Klinge. Here's it in her photobucket.

June 13, 2010 - Yesup posts an experimental headshot in the pricing and critique thread.

This being her headshots.

This headshot she claims to have made herself is actually traced. The original art was made by kiminess from deviantart.

See it for yourself.

Here's an overlay of the two images to show you how clearly traced it is.

As you can tell by putting all of her art together there's NO WAY they were drawn by the same person. She goes from animu, to realistic, to 10 year old and then back again.
Not only does her style jump but we have proof that she traces.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

But wait there are even more lulz to be had in her photobucket.

LOL WHUT? Could this be her original artwork? 

We'll never know for sure.. but it looks more like her doodles then anything else she does.

These are some of Yesup's newer chibi examples.

This one..
This traced drawn Chibi that was uploaded earlier in Yesup's gallery looks very familiar to this new chibi she drew.

Lastly wth is Necroberry's art doing in Yesup's photobucket?
AND no I'm not suggesting that Yesup is Necroberry. I just wonder why it's there...
For what evil purposes is she using that picture for!!

Edit - March 21, 2011

Some person gave Yesup the link to the blog.

Anyways, Yesup apologized for what she did and claims she's done stealing.

To me this seems sincere.
Also I personally have seen her new work and nothing seems as "sketchy" as it used to be. Her new stuff looks like it's actually been made by her.

Of course, she's not going to gain everyone's trust over night. Nope, she'll have to earn it and work hard to post WIPS maybe do a couple of livestreams here and there just so people will learn to trust her again.

Good luck Yesup and I do hope that you do try and do things authentically.
Your new work looks MUCH better than the stuff you stole anyways.

We will not stop watching, of course. c:


  1. I never laughed so hard in my life... she gained skill. then she lost them over night </3 tragic.

  2. I think she might be stealing hair tuts.

    Would you mind checking it out?

  3. OMG?! i just dont believe it, @_@
    and about the hair tuts...i bought 1...

  4. As for Yesup's tutorials: I have not found any reason to think that they are stolen.

  5. Apologizing isn't enough. At least to people who REALLY care about theft.

    Post WIP's. Make stuff on Livestream.

    But I'm not going to lie, I'm glad Yesup has the balls to admit she screwed up, and with time she HAS authentically gotten better with editing/drawing. //patpat

    And yeah, her art is looking better than half of the stuff she stole in the past.

  6. dundundudndnudndundudndundudndundnd
    bitch got recked.

  7. She should have to pay back all the people shes sold to, with art that wasn't hers. Because they just paid money for stolen work, not cool.

  8. I don't believe for one second that whole "I'm sorry" crap. It might make me sound like a bad person but I'm sure that the only reason she apologized was because she got caught. Had she not been caught she would have still been stealing. Did anyone ever see anything suggesting she was planning on owning up to it before? Doubt it. I laughed when I saw all those people in the forum saying they "understand" and "forgive" her. People forget so fast.....Wow.

  9. She did come out and admit way back when in her Artisicutness account (or whatever you call it). I don't know why we don't have that posted anywhere.. I'm pretty sure she did though XD


  10. i know I'm saying this and its 2011 and everything i just wanted to say the one about the doodle forum thing, that doodle that u said that looked as if a 10 year old drew is actually a PS brush , most of the doodles there are from a PS brush called doodle something(i don't really remember) i just wanted to say that since u were making a clear statement as if yesup drew that.
