Thursday, July 29, 2010

Case #4 - Teenager

The user Teenager has been stealing bits and pieces from artwork made by Bullshet.

First of all here is the picture that Teenager made Dreaming for her request.

The eyes definitely sort look like the ones in Bullshet's picture for Inara.

I mean they sort of do.. Since I wasn't sure about it I did an overlay and well the results are pretty obvious. They are pretty much a perfect match.

I don't think she used the right eye of the picture but rather she mirrored the eye.
You can see at the end how similar the eyes are.

She did eventually admit to taking the eyes from Bullshet but she swears that's all she did.

But then further looking at her shop her other pictures start to look suspicious too.

Take this one for example is it just me or does that eye look pasted on?
You can see the outline from the original skin and then the make-up from the original screenie...
And the hair looks oddly realistic..

So I'm going to further analyse the 3 examples she current has posted in her shop.

First thing I noticed was that the eyes in both anniie's and jeo's picture looked almost the EXACT same.
Either she recycled the eye OR it's stolen from the same picture.
Like I said before there is an awkward outline in Jeo's picture .3.

I also found another awkward outline in forgot's picture.
Looks like it could have been copy+pasted too.

Then there is the nose in forgot's picture..
It's kind of hard to see but it looks like a blurry outline of were she pasted on the nose.
I enhanced the picture to make this much more noticeable were she pasted the nose on.

You guessed it the nose is taken from Bullshet like she did with the eyes.

Then to show you areas that look copy+pasted I enhanced these two images individually.


It's obvious to say that she is copy + pasting parts into her display pictures. From were exactly no one can be sure of.


  1. Pasting real hair on to edits looks so... BAD o___o

    Not to mention it's stealing. =___=

  2. I know right?? D:
    Most of the time they don't do it right </3
    As long as the hair you are pasting are royality free then it's not stealing. But most of the time they just google hair and copy+paste it in their picture which ISN'T right.

  3. You can completly tell with the eyes because the skintone overlaps onto the nose in a square shape
