Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Case #12 - Artisticutness

Artisticutness is another one of Yesup's alt accounts.
But of course, at first Artisticutness completely denied being Yesup's alt.
Anyway Artisticutness has been copying and pasting parts and putting it on DPs.

Let's begin with these pictures which she posted in the critique thread in GASR:
It's pretty easy to tell that the nose has definitely been pasted on, even the lips do.
I took some samples of the skin colour of the nose and the skin colour of the surrounding skin and they are shockingly different. Also there seems to be a square outline around the nose, clearly suggesting some copying and pasting.
Also, in some of her other DPs that she's made, there seems to be the same nose and the same purple outline around the lips.
In most cases where she's pasted the nose, the nose is not even going in the right direction which it should be facing if it was edited/drawn correctly. The nose shows knowledge of tone and shadow and shine but the rest of her DP does not particularly show that. It looks like someone else has edited the nose.
When confronted with suspicion of copy and pasting, Artisticutness completely denies it, as well as denying being 'Yesap' (Yesup) and claiming she came to IMVU for a 'fun editing experience'. However later on in the thread, Artisticutness admits to being Yesup.
If you're still not convinced in this picture it is pretty damn obvious:
She claimed this was a 'WIP' of one of her DPs.
As you can tell this skin around the eyebrows, lips and nose is a completely different colour to the surrounding skin. In fact, if you look closely you can see the outline around them.
The nose is the same and once again facing in the wrong direction. The lips also once again have the same funny purple outline, and both of these features look EXACTLY the same as in the other DPs. It's fine to have the same style and technique, but I think this is a bit too similar.
Also the edits in this WIP show a much more advanced understanding of editing - quite contary to her usual editing style.
You'd think her talent in editing and understanding of tone and depth would transfer into her drawings, but it doesn't, at all.
I think we can safely say that this is a case of copypasta THEFT.
(apologies for not being able to find where exactly she was copying and pasting from, but we're sure it's not just from her work)


  1. woooow, she fails that nose looks way to real compared to all her work

  2. oh dang O_O I even collabed with her once and did notice about the noses and lips. but when I asked about it, She said she used the same methods for her pictures so it looked similar WTF
